Friday, April 4, 2008

Simple Pleasures

There are little things a stay at home mom indulges in. I honestly believe we all have we need them in order to keep our sanity and prevent losing ourselves in the midst of serving our families. Here are a few of mine:

Home-made Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough - that's right, when I bake cookies I rarely bake ALL the dough. I like to have a spoonful or so in the middle of the day.

Blue Bell Ice cream - I'll admit it. I'm a complete ice cream snob. If it's not bluebell or from some special creamery like Marble Slab, I probably wont eat it. I savor the stuff. It's smooth and creamy and best enjoyed after 8:00p.m. when children are in bed and you don't have to share it.

Lay's Potato Chips dipped in sour cream - no extra spice or flavor... just plain full fat sour cream.

Bubble Baths - I haven't partaken in this luxury in quite a while, and I miss it so, but when we upgrade to a larger home you'd better believe I'm upgrading to a better tub. One that is better suited for laying in it.

Nap time - This quiet alone time seems to be fading, but I'm hanging on to it for dear life. Lianna is napping only 1-1.5 hours these days, but it's enough to allow me some silence to work, pray, or relax in.

I recently was introduced to these new tortilla chips last Wednesday. These may be added to my luxury list soon too. You've got to try Tia Rosa MegaThin tortilla chips. They are da bom diggity!

Hmmm... I'd better find some new non-food luxuries. Four of the six are some kind of food. If my mom is right, now that I'm thirty I'll start having to work harder at keeping weight off. I'm not nursing much anymore either, so I have no excuse for extra calories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Allison, I love all of your luxuries, going to have to try the potaoe chips and and sour cream soon.:-) I would have to add taking a long walk alone that is NOT for exercise, just to enjoy the sunshine and breeze. although I agree that its hard to beat a big bowl of ice cream when the kids are down! Lots of love to you and yours,



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