Thursday, March 20, 2008

You know you're a mother of boys if...

Have you run across this FWD yet? You know, the one with all the images of boys doing crazy, hilarious, and dangerous things. If you haven't, it's hilarious. Well, I decided after 3 days this week, I'm able to make a list of my own. That's right, all this happened within three days time.

You are the mother of boys if:
  • You feel like you're constantly making food or snacks because the little boy is ALWAYS hungry.
  • You're having to practically force your son to eat because he all of a sudden doesn't want the snacks/food you've fixed for him.
  • You constantly turn around to find your son on the chair or table reaching for something that is "off-limits."
  • You find your son putting magnets, computer plugs (one prong kind) into his nose, mouth and ears.
  • You run from the back room to see why your daughter is screaming to find both children laying on the floor watching T.V. and your sons fingers are intertwined with your daughter's hair as he tugs and grins with every elicited scream.
  • You have to dry your son off from his daily splash in the toilet where he was trying to flush the shampoo bottles down the hole.
  • You come out of the shower to find your son (and daughter) sitting in a pile of powdered formula. Entire can ($30) completely emptied onto the floor and the dog is happily licking it up.

Friday, March 7, 2008

The View this Morning....

... from my backdoor...
...and from my front door.
It started getting heavier.
Then it really started coming down.
Only one kid was brave enough to go out in it. Well, maybe Canaan would have been, but I didnt ask him. ;) Brooks stayed warm in the house and just stared out the windows.
This is the second year in a row we've had snow. Last year it was late as well. It snowed the Saturday before Easter, this year it was the Friday before Spring Break. I hear Dallas is getting 2-4 inches. We're only 3 hours north of Houston, so this is definately strange, but welcome, weather. So fun!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

streptococcus in the throatus

After a weekend of sleepless nights, fever and shining flashlights in throats, I was relieved to see Lianna diagnosted with strep throat. The doctor thought I was strange for smiling after she told me my daughter was sick. I had to explain that I knew she was ill, and was relieved to know I'd been wise and brought her in. There's a balance a parent must find in letting your child fight through little colds and sore throats by themselves, and knowing when it's bad enough to go to the doctor for treatment. I chose wisely yesterday. :)

So far the rest of the children are fairing well. We think we might have contained it to our daughter only. It will take a day or two to be sure, as Darrell is showing signs of illness now. We are all under quarentine (except Darrell who must continue to earn a paycheck) until tomorrow, provided Lianna stays fever free.

On a completely different note, my 9 month old son still refuses to crawl. I admit, I have not pushed him very hard, okay, okay, I havent encouraged him at all. :D He has recently found an alternate mode of transportation though. He now can roll himself from one side of the living area to the other, and has once rolled himself into a corner of his sister's closet. It's quite amusing actually. Here's to baby #3 may he take as long as he pleases to crawl, walk, and run!



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