Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Gross things...

my husband does.

1. Picks up and kills roaches with his bare hands.

Okay, so that's just one, there are many others but I don't want this to be an embarrassment for him. Oh and don't get me wrong... I adore him for rescuing me from these disgusting freaks of nature. He is my hero when it comes to any kind of creepy crawly. I spotted an extremely large sized roach on our end table tonight and instead of proceeding to locate a shoe in order to smash is, he instead reached over and just grabbed it off the table. That act alone sent shivers down my spine, and I retreated to the other room saying "ewww, ewww, ewww" the whole way.

Saturday, November 10, 2007


On a rare night out tonight, Darrell and I sat on a bench in a restaurant and listened to group after group being called to their tables. We sat around, people watching while he patiently listened as I grumbled about how hungry I was.

At one point the hostess announced "Smith, party of five, your table is now available" and I looked at Darrell and said, you know, that's what we are now. Well, not NOW, we're on a date without kids, but as a family... we're now a party of five. Has a nice ring to it doesn't it. Then I said, "Duh! I totally should have called my blog "Party of Five". So much catchier and shorter than the current title. He just laughed and smiled with an expression that communicated a mix between, "man I married a goofy woman" and "sure honey whatever you think". Oh well.. what's in a name... right?

What do you think? Would "Party of Five" be better or am I goofy for thinking the title of my blog is really that big of a deal, or that anyone would really give a hoot one way or the other.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Girls Night Out

I just love nights where a handful of women escape the confines of our homes, can gather around food, and share stories of motherhood and wifehood (not sure if that's even a word, but it totally should be). Tonight we celebrated a friend's 31st birthday. We all got a little treat and escaped our normal evening routines for some "girl talk". It was refreshing to just laugh, share and remember that we are not alone in the awesome challenge of raising godly children. Some of us have bigger tasks than others (dependent on child temperament) but we all struggle, and sharing stories, struggles, ideas, and just getting to know each other a little more intimately is so encouraging (or scary, some of my friends are way trashier than I am! Ha!). I think it's bed time, I'm got a little too happy with the punctuation in that last sentence. I think the sugar from my cheesecake is finally being introduced into my blood.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

It's a Nasty Job

.... but I'd rather do it, than pay someone else. Ha! We just finished another long night of making sausage. At least it's forcing me to keep my kitchen clean.

Next time Darrell shoots a deer, I hope he considers the week ahead, and whether or not we have the time to do all this over again, or the money to pay someone else to do it.

We've tried some of the sausage already (just fried it in a pan). Yum!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Remember that deer Darrell killed on Saturday? He (and some pig from somewhere) were ground into sausage meat tonight. It's late, no details, but had to post, cause it's NaBloPoMo. :D

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Two Sick Boys

When you're day starts with coughing and puke, you just know it's not going to get much better. Brooks and Canaan have had a cold for a few days now. No fever, just that coughing with snotty nose and all around whineyness. This morning Brooks was coughing so much he puked. Not just once, but 3 times. Canaan has had the same thing, but instead of the puking, I started to suspect an ear infection. He was fussing when I cleaned out his ears with a Q-tip yesterday evening.

So I call the doctor. Our normal family doctor wasn't in today. He's actually moving away come December, so I decided it was a good time to try someone new. Dr. Davis had only one opening. Of course, given the way my morning went, the one open slot would be smack in the middle of nap time. *GROAN* Oh well, better than tomorrow when you have two sick whining kids.

Mistake 1 - Thinking it'd be better to go today and not tomorrow. (with no fever and possibly a mild ear infection... would one day really matter?)

Mistake 2 - Going today when there's no time to find a sitter for Lianna, and therefore taking all 3 kids with me.

Mistake 3 - Not taking anything to keep the kids occupied in case this new waiting room didn't have any toys.

It really wasn't THAT bad. It could always be worse right? I wake up the children 45 min after I put them down. We arrive shortly after 2:00. I begin unbuckling both Lianna and Brooks and the latter has another coughing fit. He eventually gags, throws up, and I look for anything to halfway wipe him up before we finish unloading. Oh good, a fast food napkin. That should suffice. We manage to get inside the doctors office without anyone running away, or heading for the street. While filling out paperwork inside (cause it's a new doctor) I try to keep my children from knocking over the fish aquarium in the corner, or coughing on the other people patiently waiting with us. About 20 minutes into our wait, I start to smell a stench coming from my older son's direction. I wait about 5 more minutes hoping we'll be called in to see the doctor soon. No such luck. I ask the receptionist and the directs me to an empty exam room. When I finish changing we follow the nurse. She proceeds to weigh Brooks and gestures towards a new examining room. After taking Canaan out of his car seat the nurse walks out of the room and heads to the baby scale where we're to weigh him. I quickly decide better to shut the two big kids in the exam room, than have them running around the office getting into who knows what. Wow! Canaan has gained 2 pounds in one month! Back to the exam room and both children are alive, and haven't broken anything.

In hopes to shorten an already long story, I'll just sum up mine and Dr. Davis's conversation. He exams the boys, says they have a viral chest cold, and I was indeed correct in thinking Canaan had an ear infection. He prescribes the necessary meds and the children and I head out to pay our bill. I manage to barely keep Brooks from dialing a long distance call on one of their office phones, keep Lianna from putting on a strange cowboy hat found on a bench, and wipe both sets of sticky fingers. (Dr. Davis was wise enough to give both big kids their lollipops early so he and I could discuss his diagnosis and treatment for both boys) I was pleasantly surprised when the receptionist said they were only going to charge me one copay when both boys were seen. Thank God for the little things. I took everyone home and put the boys to bed. Another blessing, they both went back to sleep and finished their naps. *Sigh* What a day.

Monday, November 5, 2007

It's that time of year again

Oh yes, I've decided to do what I can to make up for the lost time. It's gotta count for something right?

Not only is it NaBloPoMo, it's also hunting season. I knew it was coming, he warned me, but I still found myself unprepared. So Saturday morning is the big day. I have a shoot at 11am and he says "that's perfect! I'll go in the morning before your shoot, and in the evening after! Thanks for working that out just right honey. " *GRIN*

Saturday morning arrives and I awake, alone in our bed. My son walks in (the one who can walk ;) ) and says "daddy". I just tell him daddy's gone hunting and pull him into bed with me for a little company. He eventually gets restless, and we head to the kitchen for some breakfast. While going about our morning routine, I get a phone call. It goes something like this:

He says: Good morning

I say: Hey handsome

He says: How are you?

I say: good, how are you?

He says: I'm Reeeallly good

I say: You didn't did you? On the first day? Wow... um... you remember I have a shoot right?

He says: It was an 8 point. I knew it'd have to be a good one if I was going to get in trouble with you.

I say: So you're still going to be back at 10 am right? I gotta get ready for the shoot.

He says: I don't know, I'll try, but we still gotta clean and dress it.

10:00 comes and goes. I end up taking the kids to him while he finishes up. I go on to my shoot and when I return he's still there. I will admit that he's still there mainly because I took both sets of keys with me, but can you blame me? The morning was SO NOT going as planned.

Ah, the life of a hunter's wife.

In The Know

Are you? I guess I'm not as much as I thought I was. Wow! Did you know November was NaBloPoMo? I mean... how do you even pronounce that? I'm already 4 days behind. How will I ever make up for this? Do you think posting twice in a day will make up for the lost time? Thank goodness I have a friend who is or I would never be!



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