I've suspected this for a while, but now I'm just sure of it. I have the best husband in the entire world. If any of you know my man, you know he is goofy, funny, and loves to tease. If you know him well, you know he enjoys being a father and loves to spend time with his family. If you know him as well as I do, you know he's not one to back down from a challenge (not the peer pressure kind, but the kind where he is challenged to grow and become a better man) and he's always ALWAYS there if someone needs help.
I was further blessed within the last few weeks because he willingly took all three kids over the weekend while I went out of town, not once, but twice! That's right, and to top it off, on one of those occasions he even took a 1/2 day off work to boot! You have to admit not many men will do that, and most of those that do, well, they often recruit help in one form or another. Now,
don't get me wrong, I'm not belittling those men that do call their moms and ask if he and the kids can come over for dinner while their wives are away; I'm just saying, my man willingly took on the responsibility with no help what-so-ever!
Pretty good huh? Ha! It gets better! When I returned from my most recent trip away, I came home to a floor that had been vacuumed. Um, no, Lianna
isn't big enough to do that yet, MUST have been my hubby! Wait! Wait! It gets better still. He then proceeded to tell me that the kitchen had been swept and mopped as well! Oh My God! Really!? Seriously!?
I love my husband. I really do. He really and truly supports me in all I aspire to do and become. *sigh*