Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's so hard when they're so sweet

For the past week or so, during nap time and bed time, D and I have been having a small problem with Brooks and Canaan playing in bed. I love that my boys are old enough now to play together, and that they enjoy each other. I honestly don't mind if they want to talk and laugh even after they've been tucked in. However, a problem arises when Brooks docent stay in his bed. On several occasions this is what we come to find when checking on them after bedtime.

Darrell even found them laying down together one morning (we seriously think they may have stayed the night in there together), though usually Brooks just climbs in there early in the morning to play. It's so sweet, yet, against the rules! I'm torn not knowing what to do... so today, I just decided to take a picture! Ha!

PS. for those that don't know, Brooks sleeps in a bottom bunk in the same room. He apparently just loves climbing into the crib to be with his little brother.

1 comment:

Queen of the house! said...

Well I understand completely b/c I have one of those myself! The times I find myself complaining the Lord tries to remind me what a true blessing he is!
So what if he leaves his socks on the floor and bread crumbs on the counter.....he never complains when I ask him to do something, he changes diapers when he comes home from work, oh he has a job...two of them! Let's me have girl time at Taste of Texas without him LOL!!!
Thanks for reminding us to always look at our husbands positives rather than focusing on the negatives!!!

We are RICHLY blessed!!!



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