Sunday, June 29, 2008
Time flies when you're busy
*Caution Big huge run-on story ahead*
Lianna went home with Nanna after Canaan's birthday, so the next week I toted the boys to Houston to go get her. On our way home Wednesday, Brooks started throwing up. By Friday he was feeling much better, but by then Lianna, Darrell and I were puking. Canaan was the only one who escaped the bug. My mother had also texted me early Friday morning about 5:30 a.m. (I know the time because I was up listening to D puke) to tell me my grandmother had passed away. She was 85 and lived a full life and was in ill health the last 3 years or so. Is it terrible that I was actually relieved when she told me? I was so glad for her to be in a better place, with a new body. She now knows who she is and all her memories back. Anyway two days later, we've recovered from the bug and D leaves for Missouri with the church youth group for 5 days. Meanwhile, I travel to Shreveport to pick up my sister, and brother who are flying in for our grandmother's funeral and take them (and the children) to Houston. We spend a few days there visiting family and eating at yummy restaurants. When we come home my sister starts puking. Ugh! Are you kidding me? D gets back from Missouri the next day, and thankfully my sister is well enough to fly home as scheduled. The whole family takes the trip to Shreveport to see them off on Friday evening. Saturday brings a photo shoot (see the "do over" post in my business blog) and a birthday party. I then have the rest of the weekend to decompress. Ahhhh. We have a good 3 or 4 days of our normal routine before Brooks starts to run fever. It's not that high (101... remember Brooks is my 103/104 kid) so D and I decide to continue with our plans for date night Thursday. We celebrate our anniversary in Lufkin with dinner and a movie. But I must mention, I got roses (18 beautiful red ones) for the first time in a long long time. The last time I got flowers was for my birthday back before Lianna was born. I felt very loved and very special. We arrive home that night and Brooks had thrown up and was running 103.8. Ugh! See what I mean!?! Friday I take him to the doctor and well, now it's Sunday night, and he's improved, but not better. The other two have fared much better, Canaan only has the crud, no fever; and Lianna has had some low grade fevers but no crud. Go figure! I hope you guys have had a much better month of June. I feel like most of mine was spent in the car, cleaning puke, or being under quarantine.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
On June 7, 2008 Canaan received his first haircut. I had just woken him from a nap so he was still a little sleepy when our famous "kitchen beautician" began her work. He did great! Darrell's mom held Canaan in her lap so D could tend to our other guests, and I could snap pictures. Here are the highlights.
Dude! I just woke up, what is Miss Chris doing, and why is everyone looking at me?

Doesn't he look handsome!?! I'm not sure if the look of shock is from realizing he'll never look like my baby again, or realizing that Daddy got a fancy new (to him) camera off EBay, so essentially mom has two now. :D Ha!

First Birthday Cake -
I got all creative and made this cute little caterpillar cake for Canaan's birthday. I know, no big surprise to those of you who've seen my flip - flop and choo choo train cakes. I thought a caterpillar was fitting given Canaan's preferred mode of transportation up until he was 11 months old. I did however completely forget to take a picture. Imagine a bunt cake cut in half, and then shifted and put back together to make a long "S" (or caterpillar) shape. Then coated in green icing and some random orange and red designs. It probably could have been prettier, but it certainly tasted good. Canaan seemed to like it too!
Notice the match used for a candle. Yeah... after 10 minutes of searching for birthday candles I KNOW I have, I gave up, and agreed to use a match as D suggested.
The whole hand approach. He actually did just stick one finger in the icing at first, but one taste was all it took and he started in with all four fingers.
Oh yeah... this is the life!

So happy!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Happy Birthday Baby!

A recent photo of my sweet Canaan. I'll post his haircut pictures over the weekend.

Oh and for those of you who are concerned about my one year old having a "high and tight" (the only haircut D knows how to do); I'm having a professional come over to cut Canaan's. He's too young for the military look in my opinion. We'll do clean cut, with a little length on top I think. :)