On June 7, 2008 Canaan received his first haircut. I had just woken him from a nap so he was still a little sleepy when our famous "kitchen beautician" began her work. He did great! Darrell's mom held Canaan in her lap so D could tend to our other guests, and I could snap pictures. Here are the highlights.
Dude! I just woke up, what is Miss Chris doing, and why is everyone looking at me?

Doesn't he look handsome!?! I'm not sure if the look of shock is from realizing he'll never look like my baby again, or realizing that Daddy got a fancy new (to him) camera off EBay, so essentially mom has two now. :D Ha!

First Birthday Cake -
I got all creative and made this cute little caterpillar cake for Canaan's birthday. I know, no big surprise to those of you who've seen my flip - flop and choo choo train cakes. I thought a caterpillar was fitting given Canaan's preferred mode of transportation up until he was 11 months old. I did however completely forget to take a picture. Imagine a bunt cake cut in half, and then shifted and put back together to make a long "S" (or caterpillar) shape. Then coated in green icing and some random orange and red designs. It probably could have been prettier, but it certainly tasted good. Canaan seemed to like it too!
Notice the match used for a candle. Yeah... after 10 minutes of searching for birthday candles I KNOW I have, I gave up, and agreed to use a match as D suggested.
The whole hand approach. He actually did just stick one finger in the icing at first, but one taste was all it took and he started in with all four fingers.
Oh yeah... this is the life!

So happy!
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