Things really went well, except for one little girl missing out on the pinata. I really should have gone out there and organized our dragon slaying a little more. As it was, he was half dead by the time I made it outside, and poor "B" missed out on all the fun cause she was in the little princess's room. Otherwise, everything went relatively smoothly. Only the dragon was slayed, no other injuries to knights, princesses, or parent by-standers. The cake looked pretty good considering it was home made, and transitions between activities went smoothly. Here are some pictures. Enjoy!
A little lopsided, but very yummy. ;)
Ever wonder what girls would do if they ever waiting on boys? Why primp and twirl of course.
Happy birthday to Lianna!
Mmmmm... strawberry cake and ice cream.

Thanks "E" , I love Barbies!

Oooh, what could it be?

Look Mommy! Whitley got me a pink sleeping bag!
Fun was had by all. I'm exhausted, but already starting to think about January when Brooks turns three... hmmmm airplanes maybe?
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