Friday, August 15, 2008

Last Firsts

We've been experiencing a lot of these with Canaan. Because he is our last child, I've been trying to make a point to really enjoy all of his accomplishments. When he first smiled, I realized that was the last "first smile" we'd ever have. The same when he first sat up, or rolled over (but not in that order). Well Wednesday was a very special day. We experienced our last set of first steps. Canaan finally found the confidence he needed to take his first steps. Any other time we'd tried to encourage this landmark ability, he'd just sit his little bottom down.

Darrell had the grand idea to stand Canaan up about 2-3 feet away, but facing the couch. When he let go of Canaan, instead of sitting, our little boy took 2-3 steps and reached the couch! It was a monumental moment with lots of cheering. We did it several times so Lianna and Brooks could experience it with us. We're all excited, but no one as much as Lianna. She knew we were waiting for Canaan to start walking before we take our family camping trip. It has therefore been scheduled for mid-October, and she cant wait. :D

Will add pictures or video as soon as I can capture this new skill on tape/CF card/or whatever.


Queen of the house! said...

HAHA congrats on the latest first! Yeah I agree...when it may be your last, as it "may" be really do enjoy the moments even more!!!

I know I am crazy, thanks for lovin me through it...I am feeling my is so nice to get back in there so to speak...Hope to see you in September!!!

Amanda said...

yeah canaan! i can't believe i kept him last week and didn't even know he had this skill????



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