Thursday, August 30, 2007


I'm determined not to post about all the awful things that happen in my life... so I havent posted in a few days and refuse to talk about how my son dropped the dome top of my cake plate on the the kitchen floor where it shattered into pieces. Instead I thought I'd tell you about how my children LOVE water. (playing in it that is) Yesterday our neighbor was washing something out in the back of his truck. This created a nice long trail of water down the street. My son who must have a water magnet imbedded in his body, immediately found it, sat down, and started splashing. Oh well... my daughter thought it looked like fun and decided to walk up and down stomping and splashing as big as she could. This was repeated this evening when I decided to run the sprinker after noticing the grass crunch under my feet.

However, Wednesday morning we drove to a neighboring town to enjoy a "splash pad". My daughter was aprehensive at first, but warmed up to the water raining down on her. My son (the one with the water magnet) flipped out. He wouldnt go near the water, and pannicked any time I went near it as well. Weird huh.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The End of My Rope

Do you ever have one of those days? If you're a parent, surely you have. Today was one of them for me. You know the days when you feel like all you do is raise your voice, spank, and change diapers. Maybe it was because we stayed home today. The furthest from the house I got, was down the street and back while my daughter rode her bicycle. I feel like after lunch it just went down hill. I had to say things 3+ times to get anyone to pay attention, listen or obey, and even then it didn't always work.

I called my husband before he even came home and warned him. I told him " I'm done, as soon as you get home. I will heat your dinner, or whatever, but I will no longer deal with the children. " He kinda laughed, but when I heard the front door open 20 min later I went into the computer room and shut the door. I plan to stay in here until after bed time.

I love my children, I really do. I've been reminding myself this for the last few hours. I feel like my actions don't always communicate this love, but disciplining them is a form of love too right? I just wish I didn't have to do it all stinking day! Tomorrow's bound to be better.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Insect Repellent

I've recently decided to just carry insect repellent with me everywhere. Apparently, all the insects have decided to attack me and my love ones this week.

Roaches going after my children, ants intruding in my kitchen, and wasps attacking me personally. Yup, that's right. Thursday morning when walking back out to the car to get Canaan, I unintentionally disturbed a nest of red wasps. I was stung once in the calf on my left leg. Thankfully no one else was injured and the sting really wasn't as bad as I'd remembered them being as a child. I actually thought it felt more like a pinch at first. My friend, whose house I was visiting, and whose pool I was mooching, graciously provided me with some Benedryl and I continued to swim and enjoy the morning with my children. The rest of the day I'd all but forgotten about my morning insect attack.

Friday morning I awoke with my left leg on fire. Okay, not really on fire, but it was red, swollen, throbbing and painful to walk on. As the day wore on, I kept thinking it would get better, oh no, just got worse and worse. By 2:00 in the afternoon I called the "on call" doctor and he said it may be infected. He told me to start taking an Antihistamine every 6 hours and called in an Antibiotic for me. I've been instructed to ice the leg, and keep it elevated.

What's with all the bugs and their recent cruelty to me an my loved ones!?! What did I ever do to them?!?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Is anyone else experiencing an increase of insects invading their home?
I know I'm not what you'd consider a clean freak, but I have found the need after adding one more body (even though it's a small one) to our home, to stay on top of things. I don't usually let my dishes sit in the sink for more than 24 hours. I'll admit they occasionally sit over night, but by morning, I'm dying to get them in the dishwasher. Recent events however have caused me to increase my dish duty drastically.
Over the last few days, ants have been invading my kitchen. I cant leave dishes in the sink for more than a couple of hours or a trail of ants appear from behind my cabinets. Argh! Darrell even sprayed behind the sink and up the wall last night, and he informed me this morning that he had to spray a second time because we aparently have bug spray proof ants. That's right, it took two applications before the ants would stay away. The good thing is, the spray also kills roaches and he was able to discard of three dead bodies before Brooks woke up. Thank goodness too, he seems to be doing much better today. I'm hoping we may be able to avoid therapy afterall.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Attack, Rescue, Therapy

This morning I was in Lianna's room helping her get ready when I heard Brooks start to cry. At first I didn't pay much attention. He often cries when he's frustrated that a toy isn't doing what he wants it to do. After a few seconds I realized, this was a "new" cry. (which is odd because he's 19 months old) I thought I'd heard them all.

I'm tired cry

I'm hungry cry

I'm frustrated cry

I'm mad cause she stole my toy cry

What could this new cry be? I bolt into the living room to find my little boy being backed against the wall by a humongous cockroach. I quickly rush to his aid, scooping him into my arms and we run back to the safety of Lianna's room. After gathering some courage I bring Brooks back into the living room so he can watch me squash is attacker with my preferred weapon, my peach colored flip flop. I then take him in my arms once again while I get a paper towel and he helps me dispose of the body. I wanted to show him that even though I'm terrified too, we can beat these things because we're like a million times their size. I think it's too late though, I think he's traumatized. We may need to seek professional help. After returning from the swimming pool this afternoon, he refused to get off the couch and walk to his room until I came and took his hand, even then he walked on his tip toes.

Apparently Darrell was right (go ahead, put it on the calendar dear). I have now instilled my own fears into my children. Next thing I know he will be afraid of snakes, rats, heights, wont want to swing very fast or high, or go on roller coasters. Dear Lord... what have I done?!?

In The Beginning

It started with just the two of us. So in love, full of life and ready to start a family. My greatest fear? That it was never meant to be. Boy was I ever wrong. After a year of trying we conceived and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. After enjoying her for nine months, we decided another would be twice as fun. It didn't take long at all this time, we were pregnant again almost immediately. We gave birth to a son. Oh how grand and glorious. A boy and a girl, 18 months apart. It was perfect. We might even be finished, but we weren't sure. Either way, we were going to wait a while before having #3.

Or so we thought.

Eight months later, we're pregnant again. My new motto became "God has a plan." I continuously reminded myself that He wouldn't give me anything I couldn't handle. Our second little boy was born June 3, 2007. For six weeks I was the mother of 3 children under 3 years old. It's wild, we have our moments of chaos, but it really isn't as hard as I'd imagined.

We really are a full house, me, him, and our three beautiful babies. Life is glorious, and I feel so full. Full of love, full of life, full of adventure. This is where I plan to share all our adventures. From one day to the next, you never know what will happen when you're caring for 3 children so close in age.



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