Thursday, August 30, 2007


I'm determined not to post about all the awful things that happen in my life... so I havent posted in a few days and refuse to talk about how my son dropped the dome top of my cake plate on the the kitchen floor where it shattered into pieces. Instead I thought I'd tell you about how my children LOVE water. (playing in it that is) Yesterday our neighbor was washing something out in the back of his truck. This created a nice long trail of water down the street. My son who must have a water magnet imbedded in his body, immediately found it, sat down, and started splashing. Oh well... my daughter thought it looked like fun and decided to walk up and down stomping and splashing as big as she could. This was repeated this evening when I decided to run the sprinker after noticing the grass crunch under my feet.

However, Wednesday morning we drove to a neighboring town to enjoy a "splash pad". My daughter was aprehensive at first, but warmed up to the water raining down on her. My son (the one with the water magnet) flipped out. He wouldnt go near the water, and pannicked any time I went near it as well. Weird huh.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

dillon hates that splash pad. but that isn't such a surprise, since he is very much, to my chagrin, NOT a waterbaby.



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