Thursday, January 17, 2008

Mental Note...

Don't tell Lianna anything good is going to happen until just before it does. She'll ask questions incessantly until it's time.

Last week on Friday a good friend and client of mine came over to pick up her maternity pictures. She stayed and visited a while before taking off and I mentioned to her that Darrell's mom would be coming on Thursday to get the kids for the long MLK weekend. Lianna happened to be in the room when I mentioned this and turned to me with huge eyes and asked... "what did you say mommy?"

I thought to myself, oh no, now I've done it. I told her that her Nana was coming to get her in 6 days. That means little to a three year old, who for the next 6 days asked, "Is Nana coming today?" Finally, Thursday arrived and the questions changed. All day today I heard, "When is Nana coming?"

She arrived tonight at 6:00 and life continued as normal. Until I mentioned to my Mother In Law that I bought some cute footie pajamas for Lianna off Lianna once again was in earshot. So I explain to her that the UPS man (you know the one who brings us boxes) will bring your pink teddy bear pajamas in a couple of days. Just before bed she asks, "where are my pink teddy bear pajamas mommy?" Ugh. Here we go again!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

i like your new heading! and it is HARD not to tell them things they will be excited about. until you do it, and then you totally kick yourself in the pants for mentioning something so far away.



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