Thursday, January 31, 2008

Something UnExpected

Almost every afternoon about 3:30 you'll find my children at the kitchen table eating a snack. I typically give the children two or three options to choose from. Their options were cheese and crackers or oranges. They wanted both. :) Anyway, yesterday, we had a bit of a suprise as the inside of their chosen fruit was revealed.

Just take a look for yourself!

And for those who wonder... yes... we ate the entire thing (I did taste it first before serving it to the kiddos), and it tasted just like an orange should.


Kathy said...

I've seen the blood oranges at the store and actually had a recipe for a 'girly grown up drink' with them..but I've never actually had one! cool!! :)

Amanda said...

ooh! i have had those before! how fun for the kids to have a surprise.

bet you paid extra at the store without even realizing it.

Allison said...

Okay, I have never heard of these oranges, but I just went to look at the bag (that net thing the group of oranges come in) and sure enough! it says blood oranges. Ha! I thought it was just a fluke or freak of nature. Go figure! Looks like I learned my one new thing today. :D



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