Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Is anyone else experiencing an increase of insects invading their home?
I know I'm not what you'd consider a clean freak, but I have found the need after adding one more body (even though it's a small one) to our home, to stay on top of things. I don't usually let my dishes sit in the sink for more than 24 hours. I'll admit they occasionally sit over night, but by morning, I'm dying to get them in the dishwasher. Recent events however have caused me to increase my dish duty drastically.
Over the last few days, ants have been invading my kitchen. I cant leave dishes in the sink for more than a couple of hours or a trail of ants appear from behind my cabinets. Argh! Darrell even sprayed behind the sink and up the wall last night, and he informed me this morning that he had to spray a second time because we aparently have bug spray proof ants. That's right, it took two applications before the ants would stay away. The good thing is, the spray also kills roaches and he was able to discard of three dead bodies before Brooks woke up. Thank goodness too, he seems to be doing much better today. I'm hoping we may be able to avoid therapy afterall.


Amanda said...

are they the little sugar ants? i think those come in for water when it is hot out, and they don't care if you leave dishes in your sink or not. so rest easy, little mama, and leave the dishes for another day!

Mrs. Finn said...

Not too sure, but I have a feeling you'll get over that "wanting to stay on top of cleanliness" thing pretty soon. =)

Allison said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence there mrs. finn. :P I dont know, my house gets pretty crowded when I let things go. Guess we'll have to buy a bigger one before I can let things go again.



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